Joshua St. James

Photo of Joshua St. James
Denver, Colorado
U.S. National Parks, Sustainable Tourism, Nomadism & Van Life
  • In 2018, Joshua embarked on a journey to visit and document every U.S. National Park, sparking his passion for sharing the beauty and wonder of these natural treasures.
  • Three years later, he traveled to Utah's Mighty Five National Parks, where he photographed and documented their wonders for a feature piece.
  • He is working on an upcoming book about his travels around the U.S. National Parks and looks forward to inspiring more people to explore the great outdoors.


As a freelance writer, Joshua has contributed travel articles to industry publications such as Only In Your State, Places, Travel, and more. With over a decade of experience in the travel industry, Joshua has been a dedicated advocate for sustainable and responsible tourism. His writing career began with a focus on promoting sustainable tourism practices, and he continues to use his work to raise awareness about the importance of promoting a greater understanding of the interconnectedness between humans and nature, helping create a more sustainable approach to tourism. In working with Static Media, Joshua strives to share a passion for exploring the outdoors with a larger audience. From captivating travel guides to reviews, destination pieces, and more, he is passionate about sharing valuable insights to help others get the most out of their outdoor adventures.


Joshua holds a Bachelor of Arts in English from Arizona State University in Tempe, Arizona.
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Stories By Joshua St. James